However you soon find out all you're getting is a lovely notice In the mail from your loan officer reminding you that the payment clock has begun ticking away. Some fortunate souls get a "good" job right out of college in the field they want but most and by most I mean the majority of your posse will have to work regular jobs until your fairy godmothers comes back from vacation, sprinkles magic dust & gets you your dream job.
In the meantime little bunny foo foo I'm hear to ease the transition into reality. I'm going to assume you're a lovely attractive (yeah looks matter even in a blogpost) 20something. I'm also going to, assume you have acquired some sort of skill over the years outside of double fisting, keg stands, functioning on 2 hours of sleep during a final, and acting normal while on someone else's prescribed medication. Soooo the question remains how am I going to help you? Honestly I can't "help" you but I can get you thinking. Oh yay! More thinking --school is never over
I'm sure you've heard it either at your own gradation or seen it in the graduation scene from a movie where the speech is about "now is your time to explore" and blah blah blah but unfortunately you're sitting there thinking "it would be great to explore but I have loans to pay, I can't live with my parents again, I need a job!" But maybe just maybe these starry eyed speech giving hopefuls were on to something.
All this time you thought majoring in business was "smart" and "safe" because hello! You can go really far if you get a MBA but you know in your heart of hearts your dream is to have..... Idk a food truck! Well explore that!! ( honestly I just want to go to a food truck so this exploration is basis) with your BA in business you have some skill set that can help with that dream so reach for it.
Maybe you majored in philosophy or English with big hopes of attending law school and by big hopes I mean daddy's dream of having a lawyer in the family. But you really want to own your own yoga studio... Explore that!!!
Dear godele (yes a play on Adele because let's be real when you listen to her set fire to the rain your liberal ass feels god) explore that & invite me so I can learn to do one of those cool handstands that slightly look like something from a porno.
Have dreams of being a successful makeup artist explore that! Take classes, watch videos, do your own videos--- do something!!!! Don't let that dream only live when you close your eyes at night. Don't let something that just feels right slip away because it doesn't bring in 6 figures right away.
"Always aim for the moon, even if you miss you'll land among the stars" maybe all this is nonsense and wishful thinking, maybe my rosé colored glasses need to be cleaned and hell maybe I'm just writing this in hopes of motivating myself but at the end of the day we all know one thing to be true and to make sense--- you'll never know unless you try.
"You miss 100% of the shots you never take"- Michael Jordan
Just reach because you only get one chance to make the most of this Beautyful Journey.